Monday, September 30, 2013


Well guys and gals im back in mexico I have been for a few weeks now but every week we have a new and speshel rule that we have to abid ( we call them diseplins)by this last week was no contact with the out side world meaning no internet or phone calls or letters or any thing and of cores that’s the week my prago sister/ niece disided to be born. But it ok I found out eventually and dang let me tell you that kids cute althou a may be byest. Probly not tho.

Sens being back its been farly normal we don’t have groups comeing as often now its mostly just day/ weekend groups so most the time we are working around the dorms the water went out at one pouint wich wasn’t to bad sens we have a ton of filterd water and and gient like million gallon back up tank of water but I did have to fors flush the toilet after droping the kids of at the pool. Our new disiplen for the next two weeks is that we are no aloud to drive the trucks/ vans for personal ues. This means that for the next two weeks we have to walk/ get a taxi/ ride a bus. The busses down here are called calafia and let me tell you you think the public transit we have up in the states is in tens well this got nothing on the calafias. So this is how they work calafia drivers own ther own bus and the more people they pick up the more mony they make so thers all ways more room on a calafia and do to this fact the drive fast and hard they zip around and squiez in a 2 foot gap. They will littraly race to pick up passengers befor other calafias. the busses that they drive are little tricked out short busses and befor I hear any jokes yes im ridding the short buss and yes I am speshel but I diegres back to the calafias so by tricked out I mean the put LED lights all over them and gient spoilers and cool rims and they’ll put stuft animals in the grill and put stickers all over the dang thing and they play what ever music the driver wants at what ever vollum the driver wants. Now to a big fat gringo like my self the pathes and routs that they take seam meaning les and arbitrary but to the traned eye (meaning a former staf who helped explane calafias to me and a frend) they are actually quite organized. In the driver side window/ the winshield the right were they are comeing from and going to with a few stops in the midel all random places iv only heard in pasing but with the halp of  sevearly broken spanes and a little knoleg of teajana geography we got on our first calafia and made it to our faveret tacorea casa blanca and hung out with chom and poncho the two chefs of casa blanca then we made our way home on anoverly packed calafia. All in all it was rather un eventful. The next ride was a longer distens and to a place that we where not 100%of the name so we hoped on a calafia and took our chanses. Luckly we gambeled right and we got off right where we wanted to be wich was a nashenals home that we had built for him erlyer in the summer this guy is and amazing man and its crazy to see how little him and his family have but how willing they are to give to us and others he always tells up “my home is your home come and stay any time 1 day 1 month 1 year 2 years 5 years it dosent matter my home is your home your always welcome here” they are a grate family and we wanted to invite them over for diner some time so we hung out with them for a bit and then went to go try and find a calafia home. This is wher it gets fun. It takes us a bit to figure out where a stop is to get on once we find it with a little help from a local we get on a party buss this bad boy has blue LEDs every where and I bigold spoiler spiny rims gient exost pipe sticking up the whole 9 yards we get on and the driver is braring snoopdog normaly its just a driver but on this one we had a driver then a guy sitting on a specer next to him right in the midel of the buss controlling music and the door then standing in the door/ half leaning out was a 3rd guy telling every one where the calafia is going. We sit down and look around and notes that the every one eles on bored are young kids in ther school uniforms going home for the night rocken out to snoop-dog the music shifts slitly to Mexican gangster rap wich wasent to bad well only becus I dident know what they wer saying but none the less it was desent we rode the party buss for a bit then got off at our stop and walked the last few blocks home. That’s just the begening of calafia rideing ill have to ride them a lot befor I come home. Now that we don’t have a group every week we will be doing more cultural days and diveing deeper in to Mexican culture. For exapel we will live with a Mexican family for 2 weeks some time this fall that shouled be fun. But I shouled get going its my day off and its getting late so ill tak to you all later. Feel free to wright to me or send me care pakeges if you really love me if you do I promes ill wright back or at leats scribel on a post card and call it wrighting like I ushualy do

Peace out brothers and sisters