Thursday, March 21, 2013

Support Letter

okay So, quick update. First my official last day of work is April 6th so this thing is happening and its happening soon. And second, here is that support letter I said I would post. I really appreciate the donations you guys make. The more money I raise the longer I can stay. Also feel free to share my blog with friends and family it would be cool to have a lot of followers, prayers and good luck wishes. Well that's all for now talk to you guys later.


Hello friends and family, it's Ashton here. I am getting ready to embark on a very exciting year-long adventure to Mexico on May 1. I have gotten involved with an orgonization named  MCM. MCM is a orgonization based out of Tijuana, Mexico that builds small homes, outhouses, and other construction/manual labor related projects. I have been accepted as an unpaid intern. My responsibilities as an intern will be to lead groups that come down for a few days to a week on the construction sites. Not only will I be getting to put my construction and handyman knowledge to good use, I will also be working with youth and adults from both the local community and the USA. Two of my passions are working with my hands and working with youth, so this is an amazing opportunity for me.
As an unpaid intern I have to pay an administrative fee for food and a place to sleep and what not. This means I will need to raise some funds for the trip. I need a minimum of $5,600 and I have about a month to fundraise the funds for this trip. If you are able to donate any money to my mission trip it would be greatly appreciated. Every little bit helps. If you would like to donate some funds you can visit my blog at I could also use lots of prayers and good luck wishes for safety and funds.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

And so it begins

Well, I have been meaning to start a blog for a wail now but my writing skills are barely better then a 5th graders. Not to mention I have had nothing of interest to wright about. That's all changed however. Not the issue of my horrible spelling and grammar, that's some thing that all of you get to endure a little bit longer. But I do have an actual topic to wright about now. That topic is my one year long trip to mexico. A few days ago I found out that MCM has accepted my application for an internship position with them. MCM is a orgonization that works out of Tijuana, mexico building homes and outhouses for thous who need them. My role, once I am down there, will be to lead builds. I am supper exited for this opportunity and totally cant wait to get down there and start helping out. But there's a few steps before that can happen the biggest one being fundraising  as an intern i'm not getting paid to be there. I actually have to pay them. This money will cover my food and shelter and what not. I will have to provide my self with my personal stuff like clothes toiletries and so forth this adds up to be 400 bucks a month. Then add some buss tickets and i'm looking at a total of $5600 for the full year. however if I make more I can stay longer and if I make less... well my trip will have to end sooner then hoped. At the moment i'm working on a official support letter to send out to all of you wonderful friends and family members (Especially if your reading this far in to a horribly typed blog that only i have edited). Ill keep you all posted and until I get that letter sent out/posted on here with more details wish me luck and have fun with your own respective activities.