Thursday, May 23, 2013

oh boy here we go

so i just wanna start by saying sorry its been so long. see every week we have a weekly disiplen. two weeks ago we where not allowed to eat pig cow PB&J or cereal (most of what us staff eat) but last week was no contact with the outside world. meaning no internet no phones no mail. so that's why i was off grid for a bit.

we had our first group down last week and it was a bunch of kids from Toronto Canada. great bunch of kids the first 3 days we built houses. on the forth day we did a bath house. we checked kids for lice and treated it if need be then washed there hair and feet then gave then some clothes. the whole thing was fanominal. after the Canadians left we had a day group come down. this is where it gets cool after the one week i got to lead a build (well half a build) me and Eddie took a group out and he lead until lunch after that he left me in charge and took off. this meant i had to finish the house and lead the group home all on my own. i was driving a big old truck and they where following in a van. luckily we where closes so i could find my way back to the dorms.

after all the groups where gone we had to clean the dorms and get it ready for summer when most groups come down. one job that i had was to drive one of our vans to the shop to get a leak fixed. here's the catch. i had to do it all by my self. in america this would be no problem. but this is mexico. stop sins are more of a suggestion to maby slow down. and their is no such ting as right of way. you just have to gun-it and not hit any thing wail hoping nothing hits you. the song Jesus take the wheel springs to mind. in addition to their being seemingly no traffic laws the rodes are all covered in pot holes and speed bumps, if ther even is a rode. half the rodes are just a really narrow rocky dirt path. now if none of that sounds bad hears the kicker. the have open air markets (think Saturday market ) on the sides of the rodes. people every wher children darting in front of you dogs laying in the rode its pure chaos. all this to say i found my way to the tier shop spock my sad broken Spanish and found my way home with out killing any one or thing and not crashing or breaking any thin and i was prod of my self.

well thats all for no we got another group coming up but i broke my camera all ready so it might be i bit till i get more pics up but i am putting some up now.

ashton out

Friday, May 10, 2013

oh man i all most forgot

oh man i all most fogot. you can send me carie pakiges if you want. it can be stuff for me/the staff or stuff for the orfens at the orphaniges just mail it to 555 Saturn Blvd., Ste. B-510, San Diego, CA 92154 rock on and untill next time


chek out thos wack pics man

hey guys so now much has happened sens my last post we have just been doing work around the dorm. but here is the cool news. i got pictures up finally  look at the top right and there is a link that says "pictures" click on that bad boy and you can check out all my totally sweet pics. we have a group coming out this week so i should have more storys next time. thanks for all the support and prayrs and what not and if you still want to send some funds but havent or have but want to send more its not to late. you still can. i think im almost half way to my gole.

peace out for now and ill update you next week.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

first post from mexico

Hey guys, i finly got some free time so i thot id take adventig of it and post up on here realy quick. It took a little doing tho becues the web site was in Spanish. But with some quick Goggling i got the kinks worked out and with out further delay i will attempt to tell you all about what iv ben up to this week in my own speshel and broken English way.

ok my week began with 30 hours of a buss, well actually 3 buses. the ride its self was uneventful. it was a lot of reading staring out the window and a sore butt. the trip got interesting when i hit the Mexican border i had to transfer on to this rickety Mexican buss that drove around and picked up a bunch more Hispanic people. i was the only wight dude and no one spoke much English and i knew only a hand full of Spanish words. the buss finally heads for the border and i stat to get excited. when we get ther every one is specking in Spanish and they all get off so i fallow there lead and get of and unloaded my pack for the back. next they walk in to a building with one of thos x-ray conveyer belt things. i put my gear on and walk to the other side and pick it all up. next they lead me to a guy standing by a little table. on the table was a little metal box with a red butten. above that wer two pains of glass one with a man walking on it and one with a hand making the stop sign like for crosswalks. the man tells me some thing in Spanish and points at the butten. i assume he want me to push it so i do and the pain of glass with the walking man lights up green and the man let me thro. next thing i know i'm getting shuffled back on to my buss and whisked across the border and in to Mexico. they never asked for my id or passport. they just x-rayed my pack and had my push the all knowing butten that demed me worthy to enter Mexico. the bus then doped me off at the Tijuana air port. i sat down and waited for mcm to come pick me up. later i found out that mcm would of picked me up at San deago but oh well it fun to cross on my own. the rest of the week was less exciting other then the fact that im now living in Mexico
the above image is where im staying and below is my hammock set up in the bottom bunk of a bunk bed

all the other staff here are fantastic and im geting to know them all well. im slowly adding to my spanish vocabulary as well as perfecting "no hablo espanol." iv already jumped in and started my service this week iv done some painting, fed and played with orphans (pics to come) and this weekend we helped out at a camp for little boys wich was fun. i got to be in a dunk tank and every thing. i think a nother inter got some pics of it but i dont have accses to thos yet. when i do tho ill get them up on here asap. as far as culcher gos im geting used to it but one werd thin is that the have cars that drive up and doun the streets blaring comershels like icecream trucks and at the time of wrighting this one is going up and douwn our srtet playing a hispanic translation of gang nam styel remix for some political campain... so as you can see its prity awsome down here

i miss you all much and im going to try it get beter about taking pic to post for yall but this is all for now

until next time ashton