Saturday, July 13, 2013

Well the brake is over

Well the brake is over and we got back to work. Ther was no goup here tho so we where working on an extenchen on the derectors house. This was a lot of fun. It was some good old fashend hard work. I dident have to tell any one what to do I just did as I was told and it was fantastic after we framed and stood up the walls amish styel me and another guy where up working on the rafters getting them in place and all that jazz. Then we put down the sheeting for the deck. This was fun because we where walking around on the rafters wich wher 2x6s on edge about 16 inches apart. It was prity sckechy walking around up ther and it took a lot of balenc one wrong step or you loes your footing and you might not be having kids if you know what im saying. The other guy steped on a bord wrong and fell but some what luckly caught him self…his vois is still a bit highr pich then normal. But ya that’s all iv been up to sens the last post. We got another group comeing in tomarow and then wer of and rolling agen for a coupell weeks till staf retreat.


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