Saturday, October 5, 2013

road trip/ cultuar days

Hey guy so I forgot totell you guys about my rode trip back down to mexico. It was prity grate. Alex and cj flew in to Portland and me hung out ther for the day hikeing and then vodo donuts then we drove down to san fransisco and met up with Emily we went to 3pier 39 and hung out ther did riplys and a mirror maze and some gigantic virtual zombie shooting game and I got the high score (just some shamles bragging) then we drove all the way down to mexico the next day all in all it was prity rad.

We had a cultural day the other day and have to find a university, the cecut, palaseo,a gigantic military flag ,and an old cathlick church we had to find all of this without taxies or minestry cars so we brok of in to our teams and hoped on some busses my team got of the buss to soon because of ether bad derections or the more likely option mis communication due to specking 2 completely different laguages so we walked for a bit and then went in to a office bulding that turned out to be a news paper the resepshenest was very nice and spock English her name was silvea and she was a life saver we busted out our map and she drew all over it telling us wher we were and wher all the stuff was she gave us her card and toled us to call if we needed more help and thet she was going to worrie about us we sead our good buys and took of on a nother buss we made it to the cathedral and took some pics then we couled see the gient flag off in the distens so we took off for that now when I saw gigantic I mean GIGANTIC this bad boy is 250 kilos (like 600 lbs) and 300 meters by 500 metters (984 X 1640) next we looked for the palaseo and got a little lost but aventualy founed our way thanks to silvea drawing on our map and other peoples help the palaseo is a government building and at the moment they are collecting food to send some wher down south that flodding and has some big storm  going on then we ate lunch and headed out for cecut wich is a museam of Mexican culture and history I hope to go ther agen it looked prity cool but wail we wher ther we ran in to the speshel events cordnater and he gave us I quitk touer and by that I mean we stood ther wail he pointed out different atrations the museam had and he gave us his card and offered to set up a full guded touer of the place with an English specking tour guide last but not least we set out for a university cheked it out and then went home all in all it was a good day of getting out and being in the culture

Today alex cj jackooby tylyn and I took buses to rosereto wich is on the cost and plaed in the waves for a bit wich was like so totally wicked man I wish I had my boogie bord thes wave wer massive like over my head by like 2 feet massive then we ate luch and did a little suven ear shoping for frends and family lifes been good me and I don’t see that changing any time soon im having the time of my life and making friendships thet imsure will last a life time well that all for now im going to go play murderer in the pich black


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