Tuesday, June 4, 2013

nabraskens rock!!!

ok so full disclosher this blog post will be hard to read. im siting in an internet cafe wer half the letters are rubbed off the key bord and the spell chek is set to spanish so every word i wright is under lined in red. wich is not to diffrent except spell chek is is even more confused then nolmal. so with out ferther adeu have fun with this nonsens.

ok so this week we had a group out from nebraska. and they wer boss. we wer almost allways done with the houes before lunch. thes guys and galls could do work. not only that but they wer all supper cool a cupel of them got me a gient wooden spoon and promesed to send a care pakeg and a nother allredy put 2 box in the mail for us. awsome dudes man. we all so went on a hike up to the top off a massiv hill erly one morning. at the top we wer above cloud level. it was adsalutly beutiful we sat down and watched the sun rise over another hill then climed around on the rock and found a cave and all this was befor 7 am

after the nebraskens left all the other interns pased out so i worked out took a shower then went for a walk. it was a good day i got most the in terns to workout with me a coupel days later and i think ther going to keep doing it with me so that will be fun. we allso went on a nother hike wich was awsome. not sure if iv sead it yet but the interns are all supper cool and we are all geting along super well.

well thats all from me for now i hope you couled figuar out what i was trying to say
peace out guys, ashton

1 comment:

  1. Great post Ash. And I love the photos. You're doing an awesome job. On June 30, we are having a spaghetti dinner after church to help raise funds for your mission and the Triennium trip.
